“Every revelation of truth is the hiding of something.”
— Martin Heideggar, (quoted by Ian McGilchrist in: The Psychological drivers of the Metacrisis)
— Martin Heideggar, (quoted by Ian McGilchrist in: The Psychological drivers of the Metacrisis)
An important mantra that I learnt from the NAAS community. One that I can remember. Sometimes to be present in silence can be more valuable than words. And it is a practice to be present, to be aware and to wait.
Hey breeze!
Did you come and go away?
Were you here
with the whispers of tender leaves
and the fragance of summer flowers?
Were you here
while I was inside
the house of my own business?
Did you come and go away?
Couldn’t you have knocked on my door?
Wasn’t I just a knock away?
— rawjeev
Even as citis swell, filling up with people, we seem to feel more like a crowd than a community.
Jon Jondai shares his thoughts about being in community in this video.
“Its not easy to be together now a days. Most of the people have no skill to be with other people…” He starts, and shares his perspective about human society today, and living as a community.
Minds stuffed
down their throats
through device pipes
dipped to the gut.
Predigested scraps
flooding bellies
that crave nourishment;
Meaning, truth, satiation?
Suppliments for sanity;
A numbing supply
of entertainment.
— rawjeev
“The path isn’t a straight line; it’s a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths.”
— Barry H. Gillespie
“The experience of understanding involves a shift from what seems initially chaotic or formless, to a coherent stable form or picture, a Gestalt — or from an existing Gestalt to a new better one, that seems richer than the one it replaces.”
— Ian McGilchrist, The Matter With Things
“I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don’t know why, some people fill the gaps but other people emphasize my loneliness.”
— Anais Nin
Modern, conventional science has long presumed to observe the natural world from a detached position entirely outside that world. And the science of “ecology” inherited this presumption from the older sciences that preceded it — the assumption that we could objectively analyze the interactions of various organisms and their earthly environment as though we ourselves were not participant in that same environment, as though our rational minds could somehow spring themselves free from our coevolved, carnal embedment in the thick of this ecology in order to observe it from a wholly detached and impartial perspective. In high school biology class, we gazed at a complex diagram of the local ecosystem drawn on the flat blackboard, but of course we did not include our own gaze within the system. Later, some of us learned to model particular ecosystems on the flat screens of our computers. Although I learned a fair amount from such exercises, the primary lesson I learned was that earthly nature is an objective, determinate phenomenon that can best be studied from outside, not an enveloping mystery in which I am wholly participant.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
— Albert Einstein